Vote with Your Dollars – It’s the Only Vote that Makes a Real Difference
We are passionate about educating people about their food choices at Bee Wild. This post is going to show you the most effective way to influence food producers. You have a real voting choice – not just election votes – but votes that effectively make a difference in the global economy. If enough people:
- spend a little time doing research about the companies and products they usually buy
- stop buying products that are at all harmful and inform the companies that produce them that they no longer support the way they do business
- join like-minded people who also vote with their dollars for ethical, local, fair trade companies
the way business is done worldwide would drastically change, and your money would be redirected to those companies who are ethical, spend money in your local economy, and support what you care about. In order to illustrate the power of voting with your dollars, we would like to share a video about the company, Indigenous: Indigenous: Vote with Your Dollars
Vote with Your Dollars – The Clear Choice
The best way we can show you what your choice is in voting with your dollars is to share two videos with you. The first video is a trailer for a movie made by scientists from Monsanto and begins to explain the truth about how Monsanto does business: Scientists Talk about the Truth about Monsanto The second video introduces the concept of the power of going beyond Fair Trade: Beyond Fair Trade As you can see, some of the corporate agribusiness and pharma companies are doing what they can to influence you into believing you don’t have a choice. What we are showing by introducing the concepts of Voting with your Dollars and Fair Trade is that in fact you do. We would like to thank the customers of Bee Wild for voting with your dollars. When you support a local, wildcrafting beekeeper, you are sending a message that pure, nutritious food is important to you. You also allow our beekeeper to spend his money locally. This is good for you, your family, and the local economy.