QueenBee’s Ultimate Guide to Goal Review
It’s not just enough to create your vision board, develop your ideal day journal entry, and break your vision down into goals. If you want to be successful, it’s necessary to develop a weekly, monthly, and yearly habit of reviewing your goals. Answering the questions, “What is working? What is not working? What needs more time?” is an important part of fine tuning your path to achievement. John and the Bee Wild team adopted this success habit and would like to share with you their Ultimate Guide to Goal Review.
What Is a Goal Review?
Sarah from the Olden Chapters says:
A goal review is recurring process where one evaluates and reflects on their current goal progress and sets up a realistic plan to further this progress and complete their goals. It can be done daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, and so on.
When you review your goals, you know which goals were reached timely and which weren’t reached or needed more time. This helps you get a feel for whether your goals are realistic, whether you allow enough time to reach them, and how to plan for the future. Additionally, when you reach a goal timely, there’s a sense of accomplishment that can drive your commitment to success. During a goal review, you also have an opportunity to drop a goal that isn’t working and replace it with another. Finally, reviewing goals helps you expand your personal growth as a lifelong learner.
How to Review Goals
The first step in reviewing goals is planning. I started out with a Franklin Planner and have also used my Daily Journal and goal planning apps. The main focus here is writing down your yearly goals. Then, you break them down into monthly goals by answering the question, “What do I have to do this month in order to achieve my yearly goal of _________________?” Then, break the monthly goals down into weekly goals and the weekly goals down into daily goals.
Start the process of goal review by setting your goals. As you accomplish a goal, check it off. Then, at the end of the week, begin your review of your weekly goals. The first step is to just notice how your week went. What did you love? What frustrated you? Was there any success that jumps out at you? Are there any questions you have about your learning experiences?
Once you have a big picture sense of your week, drill down into details. When you were successful, note your strengths and resources. If you don’t reach a goal, ask yourself empowering questions? What would it take to accomplish this goal? How could I create more success by changing directions. Did I allow enough time to be successful on this point? If not, how can I make more time?
Finally, begin next week’s goal list by carrying over anything you didn’t finish this week. Add goals that expand on success already created.
Monthly and Yearly Goal Reviews
Once you practice with your weekly goal reviews, you’ll find monthly and yearly goal reviews to be quite easy. At the end of the month, follow the same process you used for your weekly goal review. At the end of the year, follow that same process for your yearly goals. When you set written yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals, you can measure how well you performed. This success habit translates your vision into action! The process also highlights what kind of activity will drive more success, i.e., more education, networking opportunities, mentoring, etc.