Maintain Personal Peace in Tough Times
If you are anything like us, you are looking at what’s going on in the world and adjusting your plans and actions. Let’s face it. Everyone wants to be able to care for themselves and their families in a good way. How do you do that in times of violence, illness, and chaos? This question came up during our Core Group meeting (and, yes, we actually include Nature and the bees as part of our Core Group. lol). So, we discussed what we thought the key to sustainability is, regardless of circumstances. We learned through our Bee Wild experiences that the core attribute for sustainability for us is maintaining personal peace. Today, we would like to share how we strengthen that sense of peace.
John Wright on Personal Peace
Queen Bee here. I asked John if we could use his personal experience as an example of someone who was able to create personal peace, despite the situation he found himself in. So, we’re going to pull back the curtain again, to let you see John’s process. We hope that this story will resonate with you and help you find more personal peace.
I met John when Organic Mountains Honey, the ancestor of Bee Wild, was just a vision. At the time, his life and finances were tied up in an abusive relationship. He wanted to free himself without losing all he had invested in his home. But, he didn’t even know where to start. Since I had been a spiritual coach for many years, I offered to help John.
John’s Peace Process
Just like my other clients, I coached John to restore and build his primary relationship, the one with his Higher Power. I told him that everything after that would fall into place.
Don’t think for a moment that this was easy. John had been brought up in a Christian family. In fact, his uncle was a fundamentalist minister. So, his coming out as a gay man in his early teens was extremely traumatic. His uncle tormented him, trying to force him to give up his sexual identity. But, as John said in Core Group, “I didn’t throw God out with the rest of it.” So, John was willing to strengthen his relationship with his Higher Power. He did this by developing a morning ritual.
John’s Morning Ritual
The first thing I did was suggest that John set his day up right. So, John began a morning ritual where he connects with his Higher Power through meditation. When he comes out of meditation, he writes in his journal, looks at his treasure map, and does mental rehearsal. This is a daily practice that John doesn’t miss. Connecting with his Higher Power sets the tone for the day and helps him create a strong sense of personal peace. This is a state he can return to, whenever he wants.
What Happens When Things Go Wrong?
I’ve also seen how having a Higher Power has helped John move through significant challenges with grace. For example, the USDA suggested an expensive and unexpected rebranding, at a time when his business had just come into the black. Most people would have been extremely upset. But, John viewed this situation as one filled with possibilities and one more step toward his long term goals.
Even at times when he experiences frustration, sadness, anger, and grief personally, he will sit with those emotions in meditation and reconnect with his Higher Power. Then, within a short time, John’s sense of peace is restored. So, he uses the emotions as a teacher and finds out where he can expand and grow. Then, he can make better choices for himself or his business.
Our Hope for Your Personal Peace
We know we might be riding a fine line here. But, who can we tell you to turn to for help in these turbulent times? Who will be there for you, no matter what happens? You might not be able to depend on family members because of the travel bans. You might not be able to turn to your health care providers because their offices are closed. Help from your community may not be reliable. Even churches are closed in many states.
While we never tell anyone who their Higher Power is, we want to encourage you to find or strengthen your connection with yours. By connecting on a daily basis, your peace will increase. By connecting when you need help, you will be sustained. In our vision, we all learn and grow together during these trying times. So, please accept this post in the spirit it was sent to you – one where we reconnect to that which can sustain us, regardless of circumstances.