A Public Service Announcement from
Bee Wild: How to Use Natural Remedies for Flu and Other Bugs
In part one of this public service announcement, QueenBee, Bee Wild’ in-resident blogger, talked about the difference between mainstream and natural medicine. What she shared with you is a bird’s eye view of how both options work, because we want you to realize that you have health care choices and that you have the freedom to choose how you support your body.
Alternative Wellness Resource No. 1
As we illustrated in part one, when you go to a mainstream doctor, you give up your health care choices in favor of an expert telling you what to do. You have tests, get a prescription, pop a pill, and don’t much think about making lifestyle changes or paying more attention to how your body works.
Alternative medicine is completely different, and that’s why we’ve picked the work of Dr. Carolyn Dean as one of our favorite alternative medicine resources. Dr. Dean, an award winning expert physician on the use of minerals for wellness, aptly illustates taking your power back when you make health care choices:
Do the research on your situation. Partner up with those who are supporting you make your own alternative wellness choices. Choose the support your body wants and be prepared to make lifestyle changes.
For researching natural remedies for flu and other imbalances, we highly recommend Dr. Dean’s Future Health Now Encyclopedia. This book is filled to the brim with suggestions for lifestyle changes, homeopathics, herbs, and other remedies for many common illnesses. As her customers, we keep her Kindle version of the book with us at all times (on our iPhones).
Alternative Wellness Resource No. 2
Machaelle Small Wright of Perelandra Ltd. is our second recommended health resource. We have used her flower essence products and processes and have applied her health care alerts and white papers to many situations over the years. In particular, we all have longstanding familiarity and use her Medical Assistance Program as a health support as well as the Animal Healing version of the same process for our pets. We have always experienced smoothing of our body’s rebalancing process, including when one of our staff members went through hospitalization after having a stroke. It is well worth a weekly viewing of Perelandra’s website to see how the garden is growing and what news is perculating. Perelandra is America’s premier co-creative science center.
Natural Remedies for Flu:
Have Been Known or Proven to
Have Anti-Viral Qualities
You can begin your research for natural anti-virals with these:
- Colloidal Silver
- Zinc
- Elderberry
- Olive Leaf Extract
- Green Tea
- Liquorice
- Pau D’Arco
- Garlic
- Echinacea
- Prickly Ash Bark
- Oil of Oregano
- Goldenseal
- Oregon Grape
Bee Wild’ Natural Remedies for Flu
We have several honey-based medicinals in the recipes section of our website. One of our favorite recipes for soothing your throat during flu season has been used in this country since the early 1800s: http://recipes.organicmountains.com/switchel/
Invitation to Comment
We would love to hear what natural remedies you’ve used to help your body rebalance. Please leave a comment in the Comment Section of this post, and we’ll be glad to publish a follow-through article with your suggestions.
In no way are we diagnosing or prescribing for you or your family. We aren’t licensed doctors and cannot do that. We also recommend that anyone who has serious concerns for their or a love one’s health go to a trusted medical professional and at least get a diagnosis.