Getting Ready for the 21 Day Sugar Detox: Hydration Is Important
Readers already are asking what they can do to get ready for the 21 Day Sugar Detox. There is one thing you can do right now – drink more high quality water.
How Much Water Should I Drink?
Take your body weight and divide it in half. When you come up with that number, that is the number of ounces of water your body requires, at a minimum, to stay hydrated. Example:
- If you weigh 100 lbs., then you should plan to drink 50 ounces of water a day.
- I weigh _____ lbs. _____ lbs /2 = number of ounces of water to drink per day
What’s High Quality Water?
We found over time that drinking tap water is problematic, especially if your town or city fluoridates the water. Fluoride drains your body of necessary minerals, like magnesium, so everyone at Bee Wild drinks filtered or high quality bottled water. That way you aren’t losing minerals when you get hydrated, because both minerals and water are important for excellent health.
Why Hydrate to Get Ready?
Drinking appropriate amounts of water helps your body eliminate toxins through your sweat, urine, and feces. If you are dehydrated, your body has a challenge eliminating toxins. Your skin might feel dry; you might get constipated; you might not urinate often enough to release toxins. When you don’t eliminate toxins easily, they recirculate in your system and can create headaches, swollen and sore joints, sores, and so on.
Where Should I Research Hydration?
A good long tail keyword for searching on the topics we’ve discussed here is, “Hydration and Detox.” Please feel free to leave your research in the comments section of this post.