Do You Cook or Bake with Honey?
Enter our Honey Recipe Contest
Wherever our owner, John Wright, and his partner, Mama Laura, go, people ask for more honey recipes. We probably get more feedback on this section of our website than any other. To gather honey recipes, we’ve gone into our cookbooks, surfed the internet, talked to other honey entrepreneurs, and asked restaurateurs for help. Everyone has been very generous with their recipes. However, the most successful honey recipes, those that get the most comments, are those given to us by our regular readers.
So, we thought it would be fun for you if we ran a honey recipe contest. Please post your favorite honey recipe either in the “Comment” Section of this post or on our Facebook Fan Page. On April 16, we will begin to review the recipes so that there are no duplicates with recipes already posted on our blog and post all unique recipes to the honey recipe section, with a mention on the main blog and on our social media sites. Then, we will ask our blog readers and followers on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to vote on the contest recipes. We will collate the results give a Honey Tasting Set to the First Prize Winner of the Contest on May 1, 2014.
Looking forward to trying your honey recipes. QueenBee