Honey as a Superfood?
Yes, It’s Food Fit for a Queen!
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote in Physiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante, 1826:
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.
There can be no doubt as Queen, I want to increase my health, longevity, and happiness. After all, I don’t just want to have long life; I want to have a high quality lifestyle. As QueenBee, I deserve the best food. So, I send out my workers to find the best local, seasonal nectar to produce my favorite food — honey. When the workers return, they transfer the nectar to other bees who add enzymes to the nectar. Then, the nectar and enzyme mixture is stored in the cell walls of the hive, where the water evaporates. This turns the watery nectar into one of the most nutritious superfoods on the planet.
What Is a Superfood?
What is a superfood? The first person who talked about this was Aaron Moss in the Journal, Nature Nutrition (August, 1998). Moss said:
Humans have many options when it comes to fueling our bodies, but the benefits of some options are so nutritious that they might be labeled as superfoods.
Superfoods generally are rich in nutrients. But, what often sets them apart from other foods is that they are bioavailable. That means that the body can use the nutrients easily. This is why your body can easily digest and use the nutrients found in honey – the workers pre-digest the nectar by adding enzymes. The pre-digestion unlocks the nutrients and makes them available to your body quickly, every time you eat honey.
Let’s Explore Honey as a Superfood!
Over the winter, everyone in the hive eats this luscious, nutritious honey. Lucky for me, I get the absolute best portions, increasing my health, longevity, and happiness. Join me in using our honeys as part of your wellness support system. QueenBee
I didn’t really know where to post this comment, but thought since it’s a superfood, it would be appropriate to mention it’s super at a lot of other things. I just found this article at NaturalNews.com that was amazing. Comments? http://www.naturalnews.com/036649_honey_home_remedies_medicine.html