Bee Prepared:
How to Make a 72 Hour Kit
Every time I turn the television on this week, I see another report of an earthquake, fire, or hurricane. I also watched the 9/11 programs last week, where people had to walk home from Manhattan. This is why I think we ought to talk about how to make a 72 Hour Kit.
What Is a 72 Hour Kit?
The Department of Homeland Security describes the need to have an emergency 72 hour kit on their website:
After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Being prepared means having your own food, water and other supplies to last for at least 72 hours. A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items your household may need in the event of an emergency.
Do you have enough supplies at work so that in an emergency you can walk to your kid’s school to get them? Do you have enough supplies at home to take with you in case you have to evacuate? In an emergency, beeing prepared is smart.
What Is in a 72 Hour Kit?
Homeland Security has a great webpage that gives an easy explanation of how to build a 72 Hour Kit. Click here to see this information. Churches and security companies also have resources to take a look at. I like the resources at, where they also include a video on how to put together a home first aid kit. Here’s a resource from a security company that adds a few ideas, too.
My roommate and I attended a class on building a 72 hour kit last year. I think the most interesting information we picked up is that having over the counter remedies in your kit can be quite useful. TheSurvivalMom gives examples of 10 over the counter remedies and their uses.
We’re not diehard survivalists. But, we also know that the world is changing in very chaotic, sometimes violent ways. So, we do have a 72 hour kit at home and when we worked outside the home, we had a 72 hour kit at work. To us, beeing prepared is one aspect of beeing sustainable. We’d like to see you bee prepared for an emergency as well.
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