QueenBee Returns:
Let’s Create a More Sustainable You
Good evening! This is QueenBee.
When we changed our brand to Bee Wild, one of the offers we made was to join with you to create a more sustainable you. Then, you can, in turn, build your own island of sustainability for you and your family in this crazy, sometimes violent, rapidly changing world. Throughout our focus during the last year on the nuts and bolts of rebranding, we never forgot our promise to you. In fact, most of the conversations we’ve had and the work we’ve accomplished have been about sustainability. Now, that we are further into the process and have concrete examples to share, I am here tonight to keep that promise.
Thriving in Chaos
In our original post, http://beewild.buzz/move-to-sustainability/, we shared the following:
One of our mentors says:
If the sky is falling, it doesn’t have to fall on me.
How can the sky fall everywhere but not on all of us? We see ourselves creating an island of sustainable authenticity, creativity, ease, comfort, calm, joy, and abundant goodness in a world filled with turmoil and chaos. We intend to help others create their own islands. When the world is filled with many islands of sustainability – where people who care about supporting the human family, Nature, the Planet and all her children and see the connectedness of everyone and everything – then resilience through change will be a fact. We’re committed to actualizing this vision for ourselves and anyone who will join us in any way that they are inspired.
Why Are We Starting with
Creating a More Sustainable You?
You know how they say that you should put the oxygen mask on first if it drops down when you are flying and then help your children/loved ones? Sustainability is very much like that. You first, your loved ones next, then your neighborhood.
You’ve seen how polarized people are at the moment. The energetic for creating positive change at the global level is so chaotic that results cannot be guaranteed. But, what you can shift is you, and you can make a few changes to your lifestyle and create more personal sustainability. This shift sends ripples of sustenance out into your family and community.
We Are with You
I’ve been talking with the core team, and we are designing events and programs that will help you thrive in these times of chaotic change and create more sustainability. We are going to start here – every Third Wednesday of the month I will be blogging about creating more sustainability for you and your family. Join me in this conversation. If you have questions or a contribution to make, please leave a comment here or on our Facebook or Twitter feeds. Also, share this post with someone you love – the more islands of sustainability in our communities, the more we all will thrive.