What We Value at Bee Wild –
Bee Yourself
Readers and customers often ask us why our newsletter is called, “Bee Yourself.” Using a call for authenticity is no accident. Authenticity is the hallmark of the owner and staff of Bee Wild. Accepting and allowing people to be who they are is our greatest value, and everything we work on and do flows from that principle.
That’s why we don’t have just another “honey facts website.” We talk about what our customers and readers care about. We candidly share what’s going on in our lives and how this effects Bee Wild.
In a world that is rife with criticism and judgment, where we are programmed from birth that change is made from righting wrongs, willingness to be authentic and to allow authenticity in others is not much supported. The other day QueenBee was helping someone on the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook. When she said, “I don’t have any judgment that says you are bad or wrong. I’m just speaking from my current understanding,” several group members appreciated her candid support. But, the loudest comment came from a lady who said, “You don’t believe in bad and wrong? I can’t talk to you. You are dangerous!” Unfortunately, for centuries people have been punished and tortured for their uniqueness. In many senses mankind has become homogenized.
But, isn’t there a place deep within your heart that longs to be seen and heard? Maybe it’s a dim little flicker of light, a remnant of who you dreamed you would be as a child. We ask you to bring that flicker here, and we will do our best to provide you a safe place and help you strengthen that flame so that you can experience the you you long to be. Then, you can decide later whether you wish to share that man or woman with your family, friends, or business associates.
We do this in many ways. We share food and body products in the state they are found in Nature; our products are made from raw honey, found in its natural state. We learned that eating organic, local, seasonal foods and using natural personal care products supports our bodies as we move into more authenticity.
We encourage everyone who connects with Bee Wild to express themselves, in their own unique way. We accept and allow people of all expressions, belief systems, and communities to bee who they are. If for some reason we hold a judgment or find ourselves criticizing someone’s choices, we take personal responsibility for working on ourselves. We know that judging is about self. The person we judge doesn’t have a problem. We share our experiences and thoughts on these topics on our Fan Page and Blog. We welcome people’s comments and questions.
We encourage each other by never negotiating in our staff meetings. We find ways for everyone to receive what they need. We didn’t start out being perfect at creating an environment where everyone’s desires are met; it’s a commitment we work at and expand with as time goes on.
This morning QueenBee watched Oprah interview Jean Houston on Super Soul Sunday. Jean is one of the original authentic spiritual leaders of our generation, and we believe her words today sum up our commitment:
The privilege of a life time is being who you are.
It is our privilege to know you as you are. We know that who you are is no mistake. We understand that you are a holy creation, here for your own specific, unique reasons. This is part of Divine’s plan and is the major reason why “Bee Yourself,” will continue to be the foundational value of Bee Wild.